Wanderers CC Member RegistrationStep 1: Complete the form below. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * Date of birth * DDMMYYYY Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Gender (optional) We collect this information to understand our members part of our work to deliver inclusive club experiences that appeal to everyone in our community. Only Club Officers can see these forms. Membership Type Please select the type of Membership you are applying for John Standish General Membership ($99 per year) Dutchy Du Chateau Platinum Membership ($990 Per Year) Junior Membership (Under 23 Free) Playing or Non-playing Member * Please let us know if you'd like to be considered for selection and to play in matches for the Wanderers. Yes I want to play some cricket No, I will be a non-playing member Secondary School Enter the name of your secondary school Would you like to play against your old school (if Wanderers currently plays against them)? Yes please No thanks